Death On two Wheels will be kicking off their tour with The Rocketboys this Friday July 30 in Atlanta,GA at The Masquerade. Leading up to the tour both bands spent some time in the studio reinterpreting and recording one of each other’s songs. The Rockeboys took reworked “Calling Us All Back Home” and Death On Two Wheels reworked “Nineteen Twenty Nine”. An EP of the reinterpretations along with the originals is available exclusively at You can download the whole thing for free by following the banner below.
You can help us out by downloading the tour poster below and re-posting it to twitter, facebook, myspace, your blog etc or if you are really punk rock you can print it out, make a bunch of copies and start posting them around town at coffee shops, schools, record stores, light poles and anywhere else you can think of.
DeathRocket Poster (download, print, promote!) 11x17 DOWNLOAD |
DeathRocket Poster (download, print, promote!) 8.5x11 DOWNLOAD |
DeathRocket Poster (download, print, promote!) Handbill DOWNLOAD |
No shows booked at the moment.